Architectural animation

Transform your project into the market leader with our architectural animation. We provide all the advantages of your business due to high quality visualization. Reserve a call with our manager today and start the creation of an effective tool for you success.

Architectural animation suits any direction of your business

What defers architectural animation from static realistic render of interior or exterior? Dynamic.
The word which is vested with the sense of ongoing motion, development and progress. Philosophy of this concept constantly finds response in our company’s actions. We carefully treat the scenarios for animation creation, work out the surroundings near the apartment complex in detail and reproduce the atmosphere of home comfort. We do these all to reproduce the effect of space immersion indistinguishable from reality. A qualitative 3D animation of architecture projects is an irreplaceable tool for everyone who wants to stand out on the competitors’ background. To be one step ahead it is important to not be scared to go step by step with the time, using modern technologies. Download the trial catalog with our work examples of the most indecently accurate architectural 3D animations with their description, terms and the number of 3D artists who participated in the project.


Our works in 3D visualization and animation bring not only aesthetic pleasure, developing the sense of beautifulness, but also compel attention of clients with details’ quality, take their hand and lead, studying every corner of the space.You can determine that by yourself, checking the works in our portfolio. They are really full of digital immersion magic.

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We make boring things attractive and transform difficult things into simple ones. Our unquenchable creative force helps to see trivial things in another angle. That’s how genius ideas are born. We possess perennial experience and knowledge needed for embodiment your dreams into life. The ideas, epitomized in the accurate form, will never become an attribute of a remote shelf, which just collects dust. Our solutions are always functional. With the help of architectural animation, made due to diligence of the members of Studio57 team, you can attract the attention of the investors or demonstrate your project, which, for sure, will be a great success.

Start your project right now!

Reserve a call with our lead sales-manager Tanya Müller right now to start work on incredible visualizations creation and 3D animations for your project tomorrow.

3D animations which hit the imagination

You are absolutely in need of our services for stunning visualizations’ creation and architectural animations, if you are:

Studios of architecture and design

visual presentation of your decision will give the customer guarantees that you move in the same direction. This consumes less time and resources.
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Constructing companies and developers

supernatural realism of not completed in material world objects will increase the interest among potential consumers and investors.
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Furniture factories and small producers

for product promotion and furniture demonstration in the interiors.
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exceed any clients’ expectations, demonstrating transformed earlier not attractive apartments.

Any producers

which need to show the uniqueness of the production process via animation.

Marketing agencies

for formation brand’s recognition by applying advanced technologies.


o receive a personalized estimate for our 3D architectural animation services and long-term collaboration packages, please click the button and complete a brief form.

How the work proceeds

Preliminary specifications

The customer contacts us and sends preliminary specifications on architectural animation development, at least we need the information about the name and goals of the project. In the document it is also important to reflect the scenario’s description for animation and its durability.

Beginning of the Workflow

Our working group, which is responsible for developing 3D animation for the project, consists of a project manager and 3D artists (their number depends on the complexity and volume of the project). After a careful study of the technical specifications, we establish deadlines and budget. Based on this information, we plan the work.

Commencing the Workflow

Our working group, dedicated to developing 3D animation for the project, consists of a project manager and 3D artists (their number varies depending on the project's complexity and scope). Following a thorough examination of the technical specifications, we establish deadlines and budget. Based on this information, we plan our work.

First preview

We show the visual presentation of the scenario at the very start to avoid ambiguity. Animation’s rehashing is much easier when all the corrections can be done on the object’s modeling stage.The powerful tool there is an action sketch which demonstrates the plot of the 3D animation. Any remarks from the customer are applied in sequentially upbuilt “screens”.

Second preview

This stage assumes the demonstration of the work adjusted for all applied corrections. After the variant is affirmed we decide how to move the camera, how often we should make different transitions and in which aspect angles we should demonstrate objects. If the customer wants the animation can be liven up with additional elements such as driving into the garage car.

Transfer final animation

We guarantee a high level of quality in animation creation and transferring it to the customer in the required format. We take into consideration all the remarks and make corrections if they emerged after the second draft presentation.


How to get started on animation for your project? It's simple, tell us about your project and we will contact you to discuss the details.
Thank you! We will contact you soon.

How we create an architectural render

How we create an architectural render

The keystone of a successful work is the communication with the customer. While communicating we determine the goals of the project, terms and the budget. To understand its visuals we demand preliminary specifications which describe such details as the main scenes and frames, resolution and the duration of the animation.
Deep analysis of provided data is the guarantee of a successful design-project concept development. On this stage we determine the sequence of the actions in animation. Also at this stage we make the prototype due to which it will be easier for the customer to understand the final result.
We create accurate 3D models of constructions, buildings, landscapes or interiors - all that represents architectural objects. We check the models for compliance with the size and design.
Without textures the models look not complete. Color, materials and garnishes of the area transforms them and make them look almost like objects from the real world. To create accents on details we also carefully set the lighting.
On this stage we add effects such as motion, rotation, scale up - everything that resembles movement. The example may be opening/closing the doors and windows in the customer’s bedroom.
After an “assembly” of all the elements of the animation we can add different effects (raindrops in a muzzy weather), to give the image unrepeatable attractiveness and realistic atmosphere.


For quality animation creation should be used not just some popular software but the one which quickly and with high quality solves specific tasks. The choice of the software depends on the needs of the customer and the budget setted for the project. 3Ds Max is the program which is perfect for 3D figures modeling on the early stages of architectural “interaction” development. Jointly with SketchUp and Rhino 3D it gives a full freedom of actions for our 3D artists. Their deep knowledge and rich experience in work with these softwares always guarantees the customer a satisfying result. With the questions of rendering and post-production Corona Render and Adobe Photoshop cope the best, and our team masters them at a high level.


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Courses, master-classes, trenings and incalculable number of regulation pages - inner school of Studio57 creates all conditions for personal growth of every 3D artist. Due to new knowledge our employees not only increase the professionalism level, but also learn to be disciplined. You can always lean on a specialist, who possesses such qualities, because their sense of duty is a guarantee of a qualitative product realization.

Anastasia Belmont


3d artist studio57

Liza Eydrian


Artemy Duval


Afzalshoh Shodiev


Yan Schneider


3d artist studio57

Zaur Zeynalov


I personally guarantee excellent result

CEO Studio57

Alexander Kasperovich

The creation of architectural 3D animation is a laborious process which consists of several stages. Our employees scrupulously come to every one of them, composing a guaranteed qualitative whole from small fractions. We are ready to support our clients from A to Z - from the moment of defining the aims of the project to epitomizing the customer’s expectations. The cooperation with us is a story not just about the result, but also about positive interaction experience. As a studio’s CEO I have no doubts about your impression of with Studio57, because we are always opened for the new and are ready to take any challenge with enthusiasm.

CEO Studio57

Alexander Kasperovich


Our team is able to embody your most daring dreams into life when providing architectural 3D animation creation services. Difficult tasks inspire us because they are new growth points. We don’t stand still and offer unique solutions based on your preferences.

Neat communication with the customer

Your participation in the project is the base on which smooth and harmonious work on architectural 3D animation creation is built. We always listen to the client’s remarks and quickly apply corrections during the process for a satisfactory result. Our team is confident that a passport to success of any project lies in correctly built communication.

Strict abidance to the deadlines

We know how to correctly estimate the terms for realization of the task of any difficulty. The quality of the final product is significant for us. That’s why our employees don’t rush to assure customers of the “in a wink” done job, because high class 3D animation requires much recourse. We count all pros and contras and then provide optimal terms.

Modern technologies

We stay up to date, that’s why we use only the newest software and technologies. Such a method guarantees us with 3D animation creation which differs in its unique detailed elaboration. We use only the most advanced and best technologies for 3D animation creation, such as 3Ds Max and Unreal Engine, due to which we are able to create both static image and dynamic animations and VFX-effects.

Professional staff

Our 3D artists are worth their weight in gold. They gain trust with their mastery and deep knowledge in the sphere of 3D animation creation. Any project in their hands transforms beyond recognition affecting by a truly realistic image.

Creative approach

As artists bring bright colors to the picture, which mixing often gives magnificent results, as well our 3D artists originally approach the creation of architectural animation. This helps them to bring new life into the process of product creation and in result there is an individual and nothing like project.

Adaptive Innovation

Our team excels in architectural 3D animation through our adaptive, innovative approach. We blend time-tested techniques with cutting-edge advancements, ensuring our animations are not only impactful now but also remain relevant into the future. Choose us for a forward-thinking partnership that keeps your project ahead of the curve.

Our Clients

General FAQs

Contact us right now and we will be happy to answer all your questions and discuss all the details of your future architectural animation project.

These are moving images on which architectural objects are represented, from separate objects of interior to grand landscapes, in which harmoniously fit apartment complex buildings. Every moment of this animation represents a 3D figure modeled in a special software.

Architectural animation includes several stages: the first and the major one is the collection of the necessary information (blueprints, plans, references). Then conceptualization follows – the definition of the animation plot.
Without 3D models or separately standing houses on the seashore animation will be deprived of sense, that’s why the crucial step is 3D models’ creation, i.e. modeling.
On the animation stage the motion of the sense’s objects and characters appears. The features of camera usage are considered: movement, the choice of depth or angles, proportions’ preserving, everything that influences the quality of the animation.
The last step is post-production assumes setting of color grading, adding special effects and compositing.

The choice of the software depends on accurate goals and tasks. However there is a list of the popular and universal softwares among which Autodesk 3Ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Cinema 4D and Blender stand out. For example, niche Nuke and Adobe After Effects allows to add different special effects on the stage of post-production and provide a wide range of tools for final video processing.

Projects’ visualization. With the help of a realistic animation “image” developers understand better the way the object should look even before the construction starts.
Resources’ economy. You can forget about material maquettes and prototypes avoiding unnecessary costs on their development.
Promotion. The attraction of the investors proceeds due to demonstration of the project in a nonstandard form. The architectural animation may perfectly fill this role.

The price depends on a number of factors. They can be the scale of the project, its difficulty and quality. The usage of additional effects or details also will lead to the growth in price. An important role 3D artists with a different professionalism and competence level may play.
The calculation of the architectural 3D animation always has individual character. Contact us to know the precise price.

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Written by Sandra Lee | Head of Innovation

Updated on: Nov. 28, 2023